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Here's a list of our inspection services. Feel free to ask us about additional types of inspections. We perform all of our inspections according to the Inspection Standards of Practice. Call (218) 349-2470 or schedule online.

Home Maintenance Book Is Included
As part of my comprehensive home inspection service at OnPoint Inspection LLC, I provide my clients with a valuable home maintenance book. This book, similar to the insights from Home Inspection Companies in Duluth, MN, offers local-specific insights into how a home functions, essential maintenance tips, and energy-saving strategies.
Additionally, it includes helpful seasonal maintenance checklists to keep your home in top condition throughout the year. I believe in empowering my clients with knowledge, just like an Experienced Home Inspector Near [Neighborhood], to ensure their homes remain in great shape for years to come, with guidance from our Tips for Homebuyers Book provided by OnPoint Inspection LLC.
Buy-Back Guarantee Is Included
With every certified home inspection provided by OnPoint Inspection LLC, I include an InterNACHI® Buy-Back Guarantee for added peace of mind. If the home inspector overlooks a covered item, InterNACHI® - the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors - will step, in and purchase the home. The Guarantee remains valid for up to 90 days after closing.
You can find further details and additional terms and conditions, similar to Professional House Inspection and Pre-Purchase Home Inspection services, at Your satisfaction and confidence in your home purchase are my top priorities, ensuring a smooth and informed homebuying journey with guidance from our Tips for Homebuyers Book provided by OnPoint Inspection LLC.
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